Monday, June 24, 2013

Prospecting Playbook 1.9


[PHOTO: My Kindle eBook cover.  ]
Over a year ago I began researching the many ways there are now to initiate contact with new people; call it prospecting or perhaps networking.  The research is still in process but I have been side tracked because Linkedin is proving to be a most effective way.  In fact it is proving to be 80% effective.
Imagine reaching out to 10 people and then having 8 of them agree to meet you for coffee or a phone call?  Imagine a week where you spend many hours IN meetings and less than an hour setting them up.
This 12 page thriller of an eBook is about how to design a LinkedIn Profile so that the people you invite to connect with you will want to meet you 80% of the time.  (link to Amazon)
The secret is this ---- stop trying to make a sale and start trying to get the appointment.
LinkedIn is a networking event that goes on 24/7.  And the objective of Networking is .... and this is where so many of us go wrong .... the objective of networking is to meet people.  Too many of us finally get a meeting after untold trial and error, only to then try and make a sale to this person we have just met  . . . . a stranger.
What did your mom tell you about strangers?  Don't talk to them.  Lots of mothers have shared this advice and as a result, 72% of Americans are on the do not call list.  And you can bet that the person you are now meeting had such a mom.  But, when we become sellers (with or without mom's permission?) Aahhh, now it's okay.  Now, not only is it okay to talk to strangers, we want to sell them something. 
Instead, during the first meeting, talk about the person you're meeting.  Be curious and ask questions about ..... hmmm, how about that which they put on their LinkedIn profile?  Spend the entire first meeting doing just this.  Start to build a relationship.  Start to build some trust.  Get to know each other.
And then ..... after such a first meeting, now that you are no longer strangers, you might very well be able to call this person and they will take your call.
And it all starts with getting the first meeting, which is what LinkedIn can help us do.  Design your profile so to be interesting and so others will want to meet you.  Imagine that --- others will want to meet you, 8 out of 10 times.
Charlotte, NC 

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